Saturday, May 12, 2007


Last Friday night, Bren and I went to the Chan Center at UBC (very nice venue, btw) to see the very funny Rick Mercer, live.

If you don't know who Rick Mercer is, he's a Canadian comedian who used to work on This Hour Has 22 Minutes, then he did a special for that show called Talking To Americans (which I think was some of his funniest stuff)

Now Rick has his own show on the CBC (yes, there is good stuff on the CBC) on Tuesday night at 8 pm called, The Rick Mercer Report. Rick's topic is politics and it might be sad to say this, but pretty much 75% of what I know about politics, I know because of this man.

When we saw him on Friday night, we laughed ourselves silly. That man can tell a story.

He told a story about this picture above when he got Jean Chretien to go to Harvey's with him. He said that he had heard that Jean Chretien used to frequent this Harvey's on certain nights on his way home because his wife would be sleeping when he got home so he could sneak it in and eat it. Appartently, his wife heard about it and put a stop to it, so Rick said that he knew if he asked the Prime Minister to do this "bit" with him at Harvey's he would agree because he could tell his wife that he had to do it for work. In the clip that Rick showed us, the Prime Minister went on and on and on about every job he'd ever had and Rick sat there yawning and rolling his eyes. It was quite funny. Rick also said that this was shot on the morning that the budget was being presented, so he was quite surprised the Prime Minister didn't have other things to do ... and other journalists were all mad at Rick because the Prime Minister hadn't done any interviews for 9 months or so. Just goes to show how much comedy has an impact on the things we will or won't do.

Rick actually got serious, too, and told about going to Bosnia and how he'd never been more proud to be a Canadian.

They told us that we weren't aloud to take pictures, so I only took 2. Hee hee. I'm sorry, but I can't go to an outing and not take pictures. Don't these people know that I have a blog that I have to keep up? I was a little nervous that I'd get caught, so I turned my flash off and held up my camera very slowly to take the shot. Well, I forgot that when my flash is turned off and it's dark out, my camera emits this red glow to show me the subject of what I'm taking the picture of. When the red glow came on, it scared me because it made the lady's head in front of me light up and I snapped and this is what the picture turned out like.

Little bit blurry. So, I held my camera against my hand and made the red glow go away and then slowly pulled my camera up one more time and took this pic.

Must better, but still not great. Oh well. I tried. He was so funny throughout the evening and then the last 15 minutes was a question and answer time. This was all spontaneous, and he was STILL hilarious. Bren and I both said we'd go see him again tomorrow if he was coming back.

Thanks for a wonderful night out, Rick!


Rachel said...

I love satire and he does it well! I think I would have definitely enjoyed seeing him.

Anonymous said...

I love, love, LOVE Rick Mercer!!! He makes me laugh myself silly.