Monday, November 13, 2006

My Weekend In Review


On Friday night, Bren, Lori, Rachel and I went to see Stranger Than Fiction. Now, I knew that it wasn't one of Will Farrell's normal comedic roles, but I thought it was a little slow. Definitely an original idea for a movie and it did have some funny parts, but I thought it was a little dry. Just my opinion. I didn't particularly "feel" for Will Farrell's character although at one point he started crying and I did get a little teary eyed myself. Also, I was pretty tired after Boot Camp so I actually closed my eyes at one point and my hair was wet and there was a massive cold wind blowing right beside my head so I had to put my hood on and pull it tight, so that might have added to my "not so great" experience of the movie. When Lori and I got home, we tried to explain the movie to Dwain and we both said it was weird and didn't know how else to explain it. I said I was indifferent. It wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible. If you see it, let me know your thoughts.


On Saturday night, Bren, Karen, Carmen and I went into the city and saw the Body Worlds 3 exhibit at Science World. WOW!!! I still have a hard time grasping the fact that those were real bodies in plastination rather than plastic figures made to look like real bodies. It was amazing. We weren't aloud to take pictures in the exhibit, but this is what one of the bodies actually looked like.

They've pretty much peeled off the skin to expose everything inside of us to show us how we function inside. How anyone can come out of that still believing in the Big Bang theory is beyond me, but again, if you've seen this exhibit and have an opinion, let me know. I can't even explain all that we saw. Muscles, tendons, lungs, livers, hearts, bones, blood vessels and "somehow" they all know how to work together to keep us alive. Crazy. You should go see it.

We did walk through other parts of Science World and had some fun there too. Here's Karen pulling up 1/3 of her own body weight.

And Carmen and I had a race in the wheelchairs. Ok, shouldn't my muscles be somewhat used to being strained since I've been doing bootcamp? Yet, my shoulders are sore today and I'm pretty sure it's from this race. How you feeling, Carmen?

Thanks for a fun night out, ladies!


On Sunday, Bren, Carmen, Kato, Rachel and I went and saw The Prestige. I can't really give a full review of this movie because I don't want to give anything away, but I thought it was really good. The acting was great, the settings were dark and mysterious and it was one of those movies where you stand around and discuss what you thought really happened and a few of us had different ideas about the ending, so that was cool. Makes me want to read the book and get more details. Also, the previews made it look a lot scarier than it actually was, so don't let that hold you back from seeing it.Well, that was my weekend. Man, I should look into becoming a critic. haha


Anonymous said...

Sounds very fun. I would love to go to the movies with you guys. At least you can give me movie reviews beforehand as movies always get here a few months after you guys.

Love Leana

Jennie said...

Fion, your hair looks awesome in the Science World picture.

Fiona said...

Hey Lea, Yes, I wish you could come to movies with us too. We all miss you VERY much!

Thanks Jennie. I had french braided it the night before so it was nice and curly. :)