Monday, October 30, 2006

I'm so proud of us!

Tonight was an extremely cold, clear night. One where you would want to curl up on your couch in front of the fireplace with a hot chocolate in hand and maybe even a hot water bottle on your feet. But where was I? Outside working out! I know, it's amazing. Last week I joined Cardio Core Boot Camp ( and 3 nights a week I'm running, working my "core" (not just my abs) and pretty much wanting to die every night. Luckily I have my friend Brenda going with me to keep me motivated. Thanks Bren! But seriously, I was really proud of us for being out there tonight. The only thing that would've made it worse was if it was raining. Thank you, Lord, for holding off the rain. Anyways, this is just the start of week 2, so we're not even halfway there yet, but I really hope this helps somewhat. Can't be all flabby on the beach in Hawaii when I meet Bono, can I? :P Also, if any of you want to join us, we're aloud to bring a guest one time so they see that it's "not so bad." HaHa. I mean, come, it'll be fun!

1 comment:

Jennie said...

Me! Me! Pick Me!!! (Just Kidding)