Saturday, April 21, 2007

October Road & Grey's Anatomy (with a line that got under my skin)

Has anyone seen this new show October Road? SO GOOD!!! Like I need another TV show to get hooked on. Crazy, but I am. Remember Donna from That 70s Show? She's one of the main characters. I missed the first episode, but here's the drift of the show. Hannah's (Donna) high school boyfriend (Nick) left town for the summer but ended up staying away for 10 years. While away (and this is where I'm a tiny bit fuzzy), he wrote a "fictional" book, but it was based on a lot of stories about people from his home town. Although he changed the names in the book, apparently his old friends weren't fooled and were none too happy because it didn't paint them in a very good light. Well, 10 years later he returns. Some people are happy to see him, some aren't. When he sees Hannah, he finds out she has a 10 year old son that she says isn't his. Hmmm, I don't believe her. Anyway, it's very well acted, scripted, shot etc. There have only been a couple of episodes and next Thursday (10 pm, yeah, it's kinda late, but I tape it) is the season finale already. I guess they only made a few episodes to see if it takes off. I hope it does because I need to see whether Hannah and Nick get back together or if he gets together with the tart. Ok, she's not a tart but she's too young for him!

Grey's was great, too, but don't even fool with me making me think that maybe Derek is rethinking his relationship with Meredith! They've come through too much to break up now. But I guess I'm doing exactly what they want and getting all worked up so that I'll keep watching to see what happens. Not sure what's going to happen with Izzy and George, but I'm pretty sure I don't want them to get together. Didn't Kalie look TERRIBLE last night? Wow! She really looked liked she'd had NO sleep. Izzy's storyline with her daughter was very touching, but I think my favorite was how Alex is taking care of "Ava." So cute. I like that they're making him a little more lovable lately. Now, tell me if I'm just an overly sensitive single person, but there was a comment in last night's show that really bugged me. Not when it was said, but the next morning I thought about it again and thought, "Hey! That's not true." You know when Derek was talking to Dr. Bailey and saying that Meredith was a distraction from getting the Chief position? She turned to him and said, "If it's a choice between work and family, you choose family every time because none of it is worth it if you're alone." Now, the first part I agree with. Choose family/love over your work. Totally. But none of it being worth it if you're alone? So, does that mean that my life's not worth much because I'm not in love with someone and have someone to spend the rest of my life with? Maybe I'm being too sensitive and reading into that statement too much, but I can't agree with that. Anyone have any thoughts on my interpretation?

Ok, am I just too addicted to TV?


Kathy said...

Hi - Dropping in from Lovella's blog. I would interpret the line to mean work alone without a place of belonging doesn't mean much. That place of belonging can be family or friends who are family. I would imagine your life holds much meaning. Work for its own sake is also meaningful, I think.

Kathy (Considering Lilies)

Fiona said...

Hi Kathy - thanks for dropping by and leaving your thoughts. I appreciate your interpretation and it makes me feel better. :)

villagegirl said...

I agree with Kathy. People you share your life with are important, no matter what the relationship.
You are important and your life is worthwhile.