Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hockey game with my Dad

My parents came out to visit for the month of March. I had such a great time with them. I miss them already. My Dad and I decided to go to a Canu.cks game and although they lost, we had a great time. We decided to take the skytrain in and my Dad was like a little kid. He hadn't been on the skytrain for years and his head was whipping around trying to see every little thing. He had a story for every stop we made (he used to live, work and/or go to school at almost every place we stopped). One time I asked him a question and then he saw something else that he wanted to talk about so he started talking about that. After he finished, I said, "You didn't finish the other story," to which he said, "I can't be interrupted. I might miss something." So cute. I just pretty much sat back and let him talk and reminisce.

We ate at Whi.te Sp.ot inside GM Place and then we went to find our seats. My Dad went to the bathroom first and he was gone so long that I thought maybe he'd gotten lost. The players came out to do their warm up and I waited ... and waited ...

and waited ...

and waited ...

Finally I got up to go see if I could find him. You know where he was? In the store buying a jersey! It was the cutest thing. He's a little on the larger side and this jersey was quite snug, but he LOVED it and was so excited to buy it. I just smiled and told him the game was about to begin. This was the only picture we got together. I should've asked someone to take a picture for us, but I didn't think of it. Oh well. This one's fun, too.

We could see Fin down below.

Anyone remember this guy? It's Dan Murp.hy! My sister graduated with him and now he works for Sport.snet. Pretty cool to see him out there.
Let the game begin!

My favorite part of the game ended up being during the singing of the national anthem. They had a video going of the Canada team winning the gold medal game at the Olymp.ics and Luon.go and getting their medals. The crowd went nuts when they showed it ... I don't even think they were listening to the anthem. :)

Luon.go had to stop the game because it looked like he had something stuck on his skate. Whatever he did to fix it didn't help because they ended up losing 5 - 2.

If you've watched the games on TV, you've most likely seen these guys in the crowd. If you google, "Green guys at Canu.cks games" you'll get some fun video clips and pictures. We had a good laugh about them.

And Luon.go got benched. Too bad. Can't win 'em all, right?

All of a sudden we heard this loud banging behind us. We turned around and there was Fin. He actually ended up coming over and putting his shark mouth over my Dad's head and stealing his cap. My Dad and I had a good laugh about that.

Thanks for hanging out with me, Dad. If you moved here we could do a lot more things like this together. ;)


Ali said...

Looks like you had a wonderful time with your Dad. That is awesome! Luke was just looking at the pics with me and he kept wanting to see your pic. You've made quite the impression on him :)

Kori's House said...

How fun is that!! What a great time for the two of you :)

PS... saw the two green guys walking down old clayburn road on saturday! I had no idea who/what/why they dressed like that - the green tard leaves little to the imagination! eek!

Fiona said...

Walking down Clayburn Rd?!? That's weird. I wonder what they were doing out here ... or if there are now copycatters. Yes, unfortunately, you are right that it leaves little to the imagination. Blech! :P