Monday, March 07, 2011

Movie Monday

Never Say Never

That really is a good saying to have in your life. I didn't learn that lesson until I was in my 20s. I used to say "I'll never do _____!" and I obviously hung out with people with really good memories because they'd often remember me saying that and then point and laugh and say, "Aaaahahaha! You said you'd NEVER do ______ and look at you now!" That honestly cured me of saying never ... although, I really never thought I'd be reviewing this movie on my blog.

Justin Bieber's Never Say Never

There's going to be a lot of confessions in this post and yes, they'll have to do with either boy bands, pop music or sometimes just random facts. You can choose now whether you want to read further or not ... I'll give you a minute ...

Still with me? Ok, here we go. When I first heard about Justin Bieber, I thought he was manufactured ... like that boy band ... oh, what was their name ... let me google it really quick ... oh yeah ... O-Town. Remember them? Confession #1 - I watched most of that "Making the Band" show. What? That was more than 10 years ago. I was much younger then. I wonder where those guys are now? Oh wait, when I googled them, it says that as of January 2011, 4 of the 5 are back together recording in the studio. Uh oh. Anyway, back to the movie. I thought Justin was like that. I thought someone had found this cute kid, given him an image and put him on stage. I knew he was a good Canadian kid and supposedly had a Christian upbringing but that's really all I knew about him or cared to know about him.

Well, I have a 12 year old Little Sister now and guess who she loves? Yup. The Biebster. I thought she'd for sure be going with her friends to see the movie but when I asked her, she kinda hung her head and said that no, she wouldn't be going with her friends. Well, her and I do go see a lot of movies together, so I said, "Do you want me to take you?" I don't know why I didn't think she'd want to go with me (maybe I was just thinking about myself at that age and that I might be all squeally and wouldn't want an adult seeing me like that - I guess that was Confession #2), but she said yes, so off we went.

I'll just get Confession #3 out of the way right now. I liked the movie. Judge away. I honestly don't care. I really don't, because (here comes Confession #4), I've always liked pop music. I remember when I was in either Grade 5 or 6, I LOVED Michael Jackson. I did. I had a button on my jean jacket with his face on it. My friends all mocked me. I didn't get it. How could they not like him? I got bugged every day about it, but I didn't take off my button. No way. Come to think of it, I'm surprised my Dad didn't make me take it off, but maybe I didn't wear that jacket around him a lot. I can't remember. What I do remember is that when Michael Jackson came to Vancouver in concert, ALL my friends went ... and I didn't. I was crushed. I thought they didn't like him? I honestly remember that like it was yesterday. I think it was my first run in with hypocrisy. Anyway, that's a bit of background on me. I've liked pop music ever since I can remember. Loved watching Video Hits when I got home from school ... until my Dad came home and would say, "Turn that garbage off." Don't worry, he's lightened up significantly since then. I don't remember being all squeally about MJ, but who knows what I would've been like at his concert. I guess we'll never know now, will we?

Back to the Biebs. Did you know that JB is actually talented? There was video of him in this movie of him playing the guitar and the kid could barely walk! Then he was playing the drums. The neighbour kids had a drum set and JB would go and just stare at him and watch him play. The kids heard him drumming on the steps and thought it would be fun to get him a little kid set of his own and he was good! When he was 8, they had him play in a jazz competition with them. Apparently jazz music is pretty hard to drum to when you're that age, but they ended up winning and made enough money to buy him a regular size set of drums. He also played the piano. All when he was under 10 years old! He really does have talent. When you watch the videos of him as a little kid, you can just see that he loves performing. He was a ham for the camera and had natural talent. His mom put a couple of videos of him singing on YouTube so their family from other parts of the country could see him ... a marketing executive saw these videos and the rest is history. Good for you, Justin.

I will admit that I still feel that since he's only 17, him singing about love ... really? How much does he know about love ... other than the mom/grandma/grandpa type of love? Not a whole lot. So, that's the only part I still kind of roll my eyes at, but I get that that's what sells and all teenagers think they really understand and know what love is ... heck, I'm 39 and I'm not sure if I even know what that kind of love is like, so I guess, who am I to judge, right? All I know is that I cannot judge these little girls. Confession #5 - if I met Bono today, I'd probably cry. I really do think that I would. I don't know if I'd cry while I was meeting him (hopefully I'd be able to hold it together), but I really do think that afterwards I'd have a bit of a meltdown ... and I'm an adult, so how can these young girls be expected to know how to control their emotions? They can't. So to them I say:

I get it. Squeal away. Have fun with it. Daydream if you must. Just don't take it too seriously. He's a cutie and seems like a really nice guy, but you probably won't marry him. You probably won't ever be his "Baby, baby, baby, oh!" You most likely won't even get to ever be within 100 feet of him ... although I've been within 10 feet of U2, so I know that last one can happen, so don't give up on it ... just don't base whether your life is worth something or not on it. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, just have fun with it. You'll look back on it in years with fond memories and maybe even still get a little weak in the knees if one day in your 30s you actually meet him. And that's ok. Don't let anyone tell you it's not ... as long as you don't take it too seriously. No one likes a stalker.

Oh, and now I think he was robbed of the Best New Artist Grammy. Confession #6

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