Sunday, January 24, 2010

Blogger girls night!

Just got home from a great night with my blogger friends. No blogger night would be complete without food ... and pics of the food, lots of pics. :)

This was a GREAT dip ... I think I ate too much of it.

Mmmm, chocolate cover pretzels ... with almonds. Yum!

I even shared my Dulce de Leche with them. :)

This was my plate of goodness.

Then we got down to business. The business of Dutch Blitz! A couple of us had blogged that we'd played it over Christmas with our families at gatherings, so we decided that we should get together and play as well.

Get one old deck and one new deck and you can easily have 6 players ... although, there's a LOT going on at the table ... so much it boggles the eyes at times ... and the people at the far ends have a loooooong stretch for piles at the other end of the table. We decided that we'd rotate after every round to be fair about who sat at the end of the table ... although some people actually won when they sat at the end ... but you've got to be a really good player for that!

I looked down at one point at the end of a round and this is what I had left. Yikes!

Thanks for the fun evening, ladies. Even though I ate too much (proven by the stomach ache I have right now - I think it was that one spoonful of corn/chile salsa that Kori made me try) and played hard (proven by the chipped nail polish), I'd do it again real soon. :) Rest up your filangies (sp?) for the next time! ;)


Rachel said...

Great food, great laughs, great friends...let's do it again soon!

Jennie said...

That table of food was amazing! And the table of cards is still making my head spin! And even though I didn't say Blitz even once, I had a blast! Me and my filangie are up for another one real soon! Thanks Ladies. :)

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun time was had by all. I can't believe how much food you gals had! If only I had been there to help you eat it. *sigh*

Kori's House said...

In our defense Sonya, there was lots of food left over :)

As for the corn salsa Fiona... I know it was a vegetable, sometimes that can be rough on one's tummy :)

Many thanks to our lovely hostess, it was a fun night!!

Kori's House said...

... and thanks for sharing your Dolce de Leche!! YUMMy!

Keri's Collage... said...

CARB OVERLOAD! I went to bed with a belly ache too...but I think mine was from laughing so hard that I cried!
Thanks girls for such a great time! It's so much fun making new friends :)

villagegirl said...

So, so fun! We must not let too many months go buy before recommencing. The food was SO tasty and I hadn't played Blitz in years - a good group of friends is the perfect way to spend an evening.

Anonymous said...

How come not all the blog friends were there? It looks like you left a few people out. I hope they don't see this.

Rachel said...

Anonymous...if you tell us who you are perhaps you'll be invited to the next one :)

Fiona said...

Anonymous - obviously you feel you should have been invited. I'm sorry about that, however, the girls who were there are girls whose blogs I read (except for Sonya but she doesn't live in town), so I don't believe I really know you or read your blog. I wasn't the host of this party so I didn't do the inviting, however, I believe that we should all be adult enough to be able to invite whoever we want to a party and not have fallout like this. And in defence of the person who hosted this night, I know there are MANY people who read her blog, so is she supposed to invite ALL of them? It really could be an endless list. This is the list she chose and we had a fun night. If you would like to "out" yourself, maybe this can be talked about further, however, I don't appreciate comments like this put on my blog trying to get at someone else and make them feel bad. I believe that to be quite immature, actually. That's all I'm going to say about this topic.

Anonymous said...

Ummm Kori...unless there's photographic evidence of the leftovers I'm afraid that I'm just going to have to go on believing that you girls ate all of that. ;p

Keri's Collage... said...

Fiona...I don't see any sushi on your plate! Next party I will be forcing you to have some :) Maybe with some corn salsa on top! haha

cayman77 said...

Looks like fun! and Yummy Food!!!