Sunday, February 11, 2007

Sun Run & Survivor Update

It's now been 4 weeks of training and I've only missed one training day (I had a really bad cough, ok - the doc even gave me pills for bronchitis, so I think that's a good excuse). They say that next week the training will get more intense, so PRAY FOR ME!!! I'm actually really looking forward to the Sun Run. Maybe I'll feel differently a week before, but right now I'm still excited about it, a little nervous, yes, but hoping the adrenalin will kick in and help me past the nerves.

I'm in 2 different Survivor pools. One with work people and one with my friends. Yes, just call me Kenny Rogers ... you know, The Gambler? Anyways, the names I drew are Mookie and Earl. I'm pretty happy with those choices for now, but we'll see how things go. I made it past week 1. So far, so good!

Phewf, 4 posts in one day. That was a lot of typing and downloading, but I'm finally caught up. Until next time ...

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I'm glad to see some updates!!!
I am envious of your training for the Sun mind is willing but my body is weak :) One day I will get the guts to actually do it.