Sunday, March 25, 2007

What are these things?

This morning I looked outside and I saw this.

I couldn't remember the name of this thing, but it caused me to use these, which I've also forgotten the name of.

I might be pushing it a bit here, but because of these two things, could it be possible that soon I'll be needing these?

Here's to hoping!!! The thing in the first picture has made it easier for me to want to go for my run this morning, so I'm off to run 8 km! Ugh!


Rachel said...

It was a gorgeous day. We went for a walk around our neighborhood and there were people out everywhere! You could tell that we'd all been housebound for the past month due to the rain. I think that it even might be sunny for a few days this week. Hurray!

Jennie said...

Karen wore 'those' black things to church, you certainly could get your collection out!

Kori's House said...

Glorious sun!!
I wore capri's today and my shade's but not brave enough for flipflops... yet :)