Saturday, May 19, 2007

Week in Review - Monday

Sorry I've been absent most of this week. It's been a busy week ... kind of. Here's a recap of my week.

Monday - I had Monday off and had a list of errands I wanted to do. I got NONE of them done. Why? Because it was sunny out, so I decided to lay out on my patio and suntan ... and it was sweet! I fell asleep a few times, had a few nice cold glasses of water, turned over and felt like a rotissiere chicken and all in all got a little burnt. But that's ok. I still enjoyed the sun and was happy to see it. At around 6 pm, Jennie came over and we went for an hour walk which was also very nice. After our walk we went and saw our friend Keldy. Keldy has a Golden Retriever named Bailey who had puppies 2 weeks ago. This was the highlight of my day.

Are these not the cutest things you've ever seen???? I could just SQUISH them (in a loving way, of course). There were 10 of them. How do I choose which one to hold? Too many options, so I just switched every few minutes. Don't you just LOVE puppy breath? Can you see the evidence of the sunburn? Yeah, a little too pink in the face. Oh well. :)

Jennie fell in love, too.

Hey little dude!

This is Keldy. If any of you are looking for a GREAT family dog or know someone who is, Keldy said she'll give me all of the commission, so ... ha ha, totally kidding. But if you really are looking for a dog, just let me know and I'll put you in touch with Keldy. She did say that I can come by ANY time and see the puppies, so I'm definitely going to take her up on that.

Back in the box you go, guys. Most of them had their eyes open already, but a few of them were still in the process. They were also just learning to take their first steps, so it was cute to watch them wobble around. Not so cute to watch Bailey eat their poo, but apparently that's normal. One of my friends (who's a Mom of 3) said, "Isn't it great that God put that natural instinct in them so they don't have to live in a sh*%)_hole?" To which I replied, "Yeah, but aren't you glad He didn't make you that way?"

See you in 2 weeks, little guys!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

You definitely made the right decision...suntanning instead of running errands. You can run errands any old day, but how often can you just lay around and burn? :)

Nancy Skeels said...

What a great week! Busy girl! Did you fit your job in there somewhere too?!? Your week was way more exciting than mine! I kept looking at your blog waiting to read about the concert ... and then got to read lots more - very fun! You do a great job of this blogging thing.

Lovella ♥ said...

OOOh puppies. So irisistable. Who wouldn't want one of those sweet pups?
I'd love one but after coming home yesterday and seeing Indee with my freshly planted flowers uprooted I digress and say no firmly.
Having said that, I'm sure these pups will be very good and I hope you make tons of commission selling them.

Kori's House said...

They are so cute!!
I love your little conversation at the end :)

villagegirl said...

Oh they are deliciously cute! I love pups! Unfortunately my children are basically like small dogs running rampant through my house and yard otherwise I'd be tempted. :)